Beginning to Discuss ‘Teams of 3’

The GreenWave Project is like a superhero team working to make sure kids can get around safely and easily. They know that being able to go places is super important for kids to learn, grow, and have fun. The project wants to create a new transportation system that’s like a super-powered school bus, making sure every kid can get to school, sports practice, or the movies without any worries. This will not only help kids but also make the whole community stronger and happier.

  1. Virtues
    1. Supportive Strengths
      1. From the skills circle
    2. No Alpha Politic Problems
    3. Alpha submissive to rain maker
    4. Social Security
    5. Long-term working relationships
    6. Project Portable
  2. Strengths
    1. Are defined by accretive value, ability to create wealth
      1. Combinations such as
        1. Engineer, Operations, Promotion
        2. Graphics, Writing, Packaging
        3. Systems Architect, Government Relations, Vendor Liaison
        4. Analog, Electronics, programmer
      2. Training
        1. Boot Camp Socialization
        2. Challenge levels
        3. Environment challenge
          1. 60 people is a really small room
          2. Impart GW* philosophy
            1. Loyalty to our GreenWave*
          3. Creative Challenges
          4. Housekeeping challenges
            1. Separating wheat from Shaft
          5. With sorry-ful predilection
            1. AI algorithms will be utilized
            2. To observe body and intellect
          6. Management
            1. A Team of 3 inherently manages itself
              1. Or else they blow up and become repurposed
                1. conversely
              2. Some long career relationships can be developed
            2. For a beginning corporation this makes sense
              1. Remembering Logit value of 0 or 1
                1. Partial completion is still 0
              2. Communications
                1. Meetings occur as 1 of 3 to conference
                2. Actionable Intel shouldn’t require a meeting
                3. Team projects are posted
                  1. Team must meet skill level
                  2. Of course we want happy co-workers
                    1. We’ll define the magic
                    2. Impart behavioral charactoristics in Boot Camp
                  3. Dynamic
                    1. It’ll be a fun process to naturally form dynamic Teams of 3
                    2. Be Strong, maybe some will criticize GW*S approach
                    3. In 1978 Chrysler was run by just 26 executives

Beginning to Discuss ‘Teams of 3’

  1. Virtues
    1. Supportive Strengths
      1. From the skills circle
    2. No Alpha Politic Problems
    3. Alpha submissive to rain maker
    4. Social Security
    5. Long-term working relationships
    6. Project Portable
  2. Strengths
    1. Are defined by accretive value, ability to create wealth
      1. Combinations such as
        1. Engineer, Operations, Promotion
        2. Graphics, Writing, Packaging
        3. Systems Architect, Government Relations, Vendor Liaison
        4. Analog, Electronics, programmer
      2. Training
        1. Boot Camp Socialization
        2. Challenge levels
        3. Environment challenge
          1. 60 people is a really small room
          2. Impart GW* philosophy
            1. Loyalty to our GreenWave*
          3. Creative Challenges
          4. Housekeeping challenges
            1. Separating wheat from Shaft
          5. With sorry-ful predilection
            1. AI algorithms will be utilized
            2. To observe body and intellect
          6. Management
            1. A Team of 3 inherently manages itself
              1. Or else they blow up and become repurposed
                1. conversely
              2. Some long career relationships can be developed
            2. For a beginning corporation this makes sense
              1. Remembering Logit value of 0 or 1
                1. Partial completion is still 0
              2. Communications
                1. Meetings occur as 1 of 3 to conference
                2. Actionable Intel shouldn’t require a meeting
                3. Team projects are posted
                  1. Team must meet skill level
                  2. Of course we want happy co-workers
                    1. We’ll define the magic
                    2. Impart behavioral charactoristics in Boot Camp
                  3. Dynamic
                    1. It’ll be a fun process to naturally form dynamic Teams of 3
                    2. Be Strong, maybe some will criticize GW*S approach
                    3. In 1978 Chrysler was run by just 26 executives