- Advanced information processing capabilities and utilization of the most current technologies certainly are comprehensive to produce game changing transportation systems. Onboard transaction capabilities have no bounds given wifi, double authentication and other tracking devices for security and merchandising. Information processing capabilities enable an integrated quality control system on board vehicles to be uploaded in real time depending on critical nature of alarms or upcoming operational events. Archive reports are another strategy for a later analysis and managements operation uploaded periodically is a realistic expectation.
- Regulatory issues are a universal concern and a unifying data communications relationship with government and regulatory bodies would be very beneficial. A major operational goal is to enable that they come together seeking a solution that serves everyone’s common interests. Many people share these concerns and desires of better transportation infrastructures. Verifying in the most open and efficient manners will be a valuable resource to insure that these concerns have everything they need for observation and analysis.
- Systems integration is a tremendous opportunity to converge all of these reporting needs and commercial motivations to achieve greater utility. Because of the industrial strength nature of these Modular Community Transit Systems, there are many piggyback opportunities. Distribution of goods and services can be tied into user interfaces, 3PL control and transaction terminals, ad-hoc driver stop itineraries, all the way up to the strategic providers of site services, (i.e. future automated convenience stores). The compute and telecom infrastructure today has the bandwidth to provide new opportunities that will present themselves without any major hardware iterations. The number of useful options will increase organically, requirements for support devices will already be satisfied, training and technical support will be packaged and managed, and the desire for complementary product interfaces will be readily available when a new market segment that is created. Commodities off the shelf (COTS) products will be the norm with regard to transaction devices, compute intensive applications, convergent telecommunications, and harnessed vehicle CAD/AVL status reports. This strategy will ensure that technologies of the future will have a common path to serve our transportation needs and desires.
- Transaction simplicity for the client-consumer is easily obtained. For instance, the instruction [I_Go_Home] will be handled by back office servers in the cloud. The simple instruction [I_Go_Home] it comes down to one click for the client-consumer while various transaction servers will aggregate their important respective information and their service interest areas. The information that can be combined is (who is this?), (Where do they live?), (Where are they?), (Do they have the transaction funds available?), (What authority needs to know something?), (Is this a medical trip?) (IS this a Para-transport request?), (what is their age), (Is service available?), (How can their needs be met effectively?), (Does the client-consumer have special desires and choices) All of that is handled remotely to the client-consumers user device.
- All users would have their own personal sense of security. Safety would never take a neglected back seat. Parents could finally be at peace with their children’s transportation needs, wants and desires easily handled through triple++ authentication and location awareness. For example, junior leaves his baby carriage, then the entire vehicles is commanded to stop with distinct audible annunciations. Valuing life is much more normal than we give ourselves credit for and these transaction systems would have the Boolean logic to say go or no-go with the ability to query the user for information if required.
- The conveniences of being a passenger with many amenities that are conveniently available will be applauded enthusiastically. Some of these that will be available during the Systems Roll-out timeline would be convergent telecommunications, refreshments, media, convenience store parcel delivery, mail and mail order parcels. The service echelon levels will be presented during the Long-haul and dreams timeline phases. Until then we should be satisfied with the aforementioned amenities.
- The utility of getting to and from one location with ease is extremely powerful. The calculus to determine levels of acceptance and demand are stated through Dan McFadden’s Nobel Prize Economics treatise around Transportation Behavioral Analysis. Of course there are other studies that deal with describing problems but “The Green Wave Project” believes in it’s solutions sets to meet catchment area walking distances and the amount of time people are willing to wait to be picked up and transported to their destinations. We believe that we do have the affordability aspects well managed. The causation resultant of communities and community shareholders owning these systems are taxation benefits, ownership privileges, community members great sense sharing our resources and creating wealth ∀ for all. The sense of belonging to your own community’s transportation system of which you are a part owner is quite different from being an individual, financially and logistically tied to one form of transportation that has a limited radius of transport.
- What are the advanced information processing capabilities mentioned?
- How does wifi double authentication enhance onboard transaction capabilities?
- What are the benefits of real-time integrated quality control systems on vehicles?
- How can regulatory issues be addressed through data communication relationships?
- What are the advantages of systems integration for modular community transit systems?
- How do transaction simplicity and back-office servers improve client-consumer experience?
- What security measures ensure the safety of users, especially children?
- What amenities will be available to passengers during the Systems Roll-out timeline?
- How does Dan McFadden’s Nobel Prize Economics treatise relate to transportation behavioral analysis?
- What are the benefits of community-owned transportation systems?