Government's Long Term Job Creation Outline
ProjectLaborAgreements, Community Workforce Agreements, Labor Peace Agreements, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Community Benefits Agreements, or Voluntary Recognition
- NRE Direct Costs to create jobs run a wild range.
- Ranging from $0, $15/hr costing $60,000. to earning Rank
- Or Direct Placement from Confident Leaders
- Long Term job Creation
- Community to workplace’
- It would be a source of mining Wealth.
- To spend 80% of Net Incomes locally.
- Possibly after or before activity times
- Community Workforce Agreements,
- 1 or 0 Supposition
- Intention for Vendor Honeymoons to never end.
- Vendor selection is regimented.
- All Revenue Streams are Not Fungible
- Labor Peace Agreements,
- Union wages
- Tips are Allowed.
- Patrons are our neighbors.
- Collective Bargaining Agreements,
- Plebescites are possible for good and bad
- Leadership Heirarchy comes from the skills wheel
- We have the 10 Commandments.
- The next 10 start with,
- There is NO Statute of Limitations for the Truth
- 2+2=4
- The next 10 start with,
- Committees are based on quorums
- which have specific sunsetting guidelines
- Community Benefits Agreements,
- 1:1 Share per Bloom Community Member of $500
- Which was $300 for a long time?
- Each Shareholder is all of these.
- Community Member
- Shareholder
- Patron
- Employee K-1 Statement
- Union Member
- 1:1 Share per Bloom Community Member of $500
- Inquiries have been made.
- Negotiations have not commenced
- Union Headquarters must fulfill Deep Dive records keeping
- Optimism level is an 8
- ATU offered to canvas door to door in communities
- Standard labor practices incorporated
- Ivy League Intellects are nurtured
- Teams of 3 beating old economics maxims about ditch digging will be achieved
- 3 Skills of Skills Wheel 3 of combined
- Goal Produce 3X3=9 workers output
- Alphas will not be running large committee meeting
- Long Term Working Relationships
- Failure: Blowing up a T3 has strategies
- Reorg, Rehab, Redemption…
- Small is beautiful is accomplished
- with small Job Shop motivations
- 3 Skills of Skills Wheel 3 of combined
- Engineering Acronym RTFM will be enforced
- Trust, Dignity, Respect are sociological outcomes
- The Gauntlet has many task projects awaiting
- Posting will evolve to a Directory of GreenWave* Operations
- New Intiatives
- Basic Research
!*! Attention; There are ten operational Silos, most importantly Juris Prudence.
Deviations of normal civil discourse regarding intimidation,harassment,and finally plenty of lawyers being well compensated to fluff their feathers entertaining in the lobby for desired mix of either creating chaos is avoided as much as possible.
There are much more important 2022 Era matters of intimidation, harassment, Jeesh “Transportation the Keystone of Civilization” On a metrics basis GreenWave* has a Panoply of magnificent solutions, {11/2022} what we are capable of immediate understanding we are definitely at a precipice of Def Con significance with our current Civilization’s crumbling and congested.
- Each Bloom Modular Community Owned Transportation Systems. 5,000 shareholders yield $2.5 Million Float. The best I can say is that each bloom will have a GW* Steward answerable to both Communities and the TPDU.
- GreenWave* is contemplating the Classified Gauntlet Teams Academy to form teams of 3, from populations of 60- 85 sponsored and independent candidates that are each collectively an Alpha Team. We all have a lot to learn and experience from with skill wheel integration, on many levels of trust, respect and cooperation.
- Community 1:1 shareholders are unionized employees
- ATU affiliation Amalgamated Transportation Union is the oldest American Transportation Union organized as amalgamations.
- Doing some leg work the local chapter President offered to have all their ATU Members to knock on every door,
- for 1:1 Share $500 and $75 matriculation, Swag, Spree Days and Deep Dive background checks.
- The First 30,000 pioneers from 6 communities in a constellation will have a $15 Million float to acquire the first GreenWave* Cruisers that we are all up for.
- True, goal is to get the word out in a friendly organized manner. When our Boosters are ignited our futures will be more exciting There 2 other Unions identified which will have the same incentives we would all mutually share.
- For requirement purposes of recommendation letter
- The old ways of advancement
- Are going to be Rewritten
- Operational folklore is amazing alegorically
- Consultants talk about echelon hierarchy from drivers to unqualified politically appointed Executive Operations, with virtually no interlinking of workforce castes
- Blooms must pass through leadership orientation ranking squads. It shall be chartered requiring listed Teams of 3 employees from handbook specifications.
Our Infrastrure is more than adequate for Our, GreenWave* requirements. Change is inevitable,
New generations of workers, Teams of 3 and local Bloom communities will be created. Everyone has unlimited innate desires, a long dissertation is recommended here
Good Paying Jobs is an eXonomic metric miss when measuring actual utility that workers are obtaining from their future NET incomes from saving at least $12,000 for the family;s second car. There are established metrics from direct standard and historical $utility values of money. Reality was $1 directed towards government initiative is only 17 cents of Real Action.
$12,000 not spent from NET income; 5,000 Bloom Workers saves $60 Million per year. The utility of yearly savings will be concentrated in 1-3 mile radii for each Bloom. Enhancing local community economic development initiatives.
- Job Creation and Vendor Opportuinties
- Trades Workers
- InfrastrureEnhancements
- Basic Science
- Merchandising
- Logistics
- Communications
- Building GoodWill
- First Estimates 200 New native Jobs per Bloom
- Open Marketplace Vendors provide {Supposition}
- Bread on shelves, lunch kits etc.
- Today GreenWave* is not Ours Yet.
- 1’ prime source has social needs
- Coming from a prime source
- Depending on the demographics and how important the utility of the communities capital
- Best of Breed services are universal
- Open Marketplace Vendors
- Demographic Wealth
- Indian Reservations
- Resorting to local resources, like local brownies
- Training and Orientation
- Research is done regarding available resources
- Resources need to be capable.
- Resources need to be adaptable.
- Resources need to share lessons learned.
- Research is done regarding available resources
- Blooms Systems Architecture is adaptable to
- Poor,
- Rich,
- 4 Seasons
- Security Requirements
- Islands
Become Community Pioneers
The first communities to move forward with implementing these systems shall be considered like the first explorers to a new world. They and all other participating communities own their transportation system for the long haul and all community members are owners. Their cooperative involvement shall shape how it best serves them. 1:1 Share $500 investment and $75 membership per person should enable client/owners to have what is needed to get the wheels rolling through normal business administration guidelines. For a fleet of 50 Vehicles that would be paid off in 4-8 months for the base model fleets. Making modular transit system a rolling reality. Some of the proposed deliverables are a secure Transportation Transaction Device, an insurance pool for “all” vehicles in the community and multi passenger vehicles that rival first class seating accommodations on an airliner. Once your community is cohesively on board, individual decision-making becomes less of an issue. The reasons being there is more loyalty to smaller locally owned transportation systems especially if those that own this transportation system are the passengers themselves. The attributes that would be in favor of implementing these transportation systems are many; such as a responsiveness, saving money for each participant, Having personal time instead of driving a vehicle, resources are better utilized, community members will not be stranded if they cannot drive or own a car resulting in less government dependency, and energy conservation.
Reflation what a revolutionary concept
Behavioral Econometric probability calculations cannot predict with all certainty that if a person were given almost everything they want of a transportation system would make a change for the better? The shared dissatisfaction of current transportation dilemmas, the fear whether founded or unfounded for our children’s safety, meeting the needs of our elders before they are unable to drive and the financial time constraints of simply getting to and from work are deciding factors in finding receptive and cooperative communities. How quickly the community can realize a return from their investment depends about what degree they decide to pool their resources. It is not inconceivable that these communities can become self-insured which would amount to 5,000 car owners saving conservatively $60 Million a year commuting. Bloom Communities Immediately yielding $25 million equity being fully warranted from mileage revenue streams.
Invigorating our Industrial Base; with Blooms (modular community-owned transportation systems) by Catalog
- Various Echelons of Complete Fleet Systems being produced.
- Export of complete transportation systems.Blooms.
- Vehicles actually become good investments. First Class Cruisers, sports cars, 747′s
- Totally new Electronics and Information Technology industries and markets.
- Opportunities; Durable goods manufacturers of appliances serving the Transportation system needs.
- A multitude of service sectors like parcel delivery; discretionary consumables and media outlets will easily tap into these modular transportation systems.
This is an opportunity to better serve the needs of a larger potential marketplace around the world and Vetted by USAID